Well, another excellent weekend. Saturday was very productive regarding confirming all blocking for Act One and then on Sunday we had some really quality time with Steve. Tonight the three ladies are rehearsing again with GA Brace. Our choreographer is now more aware of the genre and the first dance rehearsal takes place next week, Wednesday 21st March. 7.30 at Worle. That requires all three ladies and the three croupiers thank you very much!!
I have had lots of meetings with Callum, our set builder and he has not bee scared off!!! He is even going to manhandle the staircase in to what we need which is a massive bonus. 
Thursday this week Liz and I are going to make tickets available on line through this web site so you simply MUST start publicising and promoting the show. I figured if every cast and crew could provide 20 audience we will sell out on two nights!! As with all amateur productions it IS up to the cast to get the word out. Publicity will kick in after Easter but we have to work hard to get bums on seats.
It is ESSENTIAL that we have EVERYONE at the April weekend. There are only three weekend sessions left guys!! You also need to be putting in the work in between times. I shall be calling on the old man as much as I can but he is 82!!!!

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